I would like to thank the Committee for inviting me to Judge Deerhounds at their show. I would also like to thank my efficient steward & the exhibitors for their support. At this show Mr and Mrs Peach were offering The Christine Ann Memorial Trophies for BOB and BPIB
Puppy (6, 3)
1st Peach’s Kilbourne Merak
Very striking well balanced 7 month dog with pleasing head and dark eye. Good shoulder placement and return of upper arm. Deep chest and a good spring of rib. Lovely width to the rear good bend of stifle and lovely low hocks. Crisp coat excellent movement for one so young. BPIB and pleased to see him gain BPIG under Judge
2nd Peach’s Kilbourne Etoile
Litter sister to 1st. Very shapely bitch also with good bone and correct front angulation . Not such a deep chest as 1st, however had good width to her rear with a lovely bend of stifle and low hocks. Just preferred the overall shape and outline of my 1st.
3rd Steele’s Sorimsway Gypsy Roma
Junior (1)
1st Steele & Pink’s Theon of the Storm
A young male with a pleasing masculine head. Dark eye, neat ears, correct bite. Strong neck. Good length in the body with a lovely rise over loin. Good easy movement strode out well.
Post Graduate (6, 3)
1st Wilce-Quinton & Quinton’s Kilbourne Louisa Chick at Kirjojax
A pleasing young bitch with feminine head and expression. Neat ears strong neck and a well angulated shoulder. Neat feet. Deep chest with a good tuck up. Strong hindquarters, moved with free easy movement and held her top line well. RBOB
2nd Winstanley’s Leonard from the Shadows
Young male with masculine head dark eye. Good length in the body. Correct front angulation. However would have liked a bit better rear angulation. Strode out well.
Open (4)
1st Peach’s Tiobraid Solo Venture to Kilbourne
Well balanced dog with strong masculine expression and dark eye. Powerful neck , good shoulder placement with excellent angulation and return of upper arm. Correct pasterns neat feet. Nice deep chest and strong loin. Plenty of width to the rear with good bend of stifle and excellent muscular 2nd thigh. Good strong bone throughout, well muscled. Good harsh coat. Strode out well and moved with ease and grace. So pleased to award BOB.
2nd Steele’s Sorimsway Valiant Hero
Well made mature dog with excellent coat. Strong head and expression well set ears. Nice front . Good length and strong loin well muscled rear. Would have liked to have seen a deeper chest. However movement was excellent.
3rd Smith’s Hyndsight Timespace at Julam
Kim Holt